How Does Domain Contention Work?

It is crucial to apply for your preferred .au domain name as early as possible to prevent getting caught in domain contention with another party also vying for the same name.
The registration of .au direct domain names remains subject to priority hold and some continue to be unallocated in a few cases where multiple registrants have submitted applications of ‘category 1’ priority. As a result, securing a domain name can be tricky and such instances end up initiating a domain contention situation where you are now contesting with multiple other parties.
It is worth mentioning that domain contention does not continue indefinitely but instead has a cutoff date by which they must resolve the dispute. In these instances, the .au direct domain name will only be allocated after an agreement has been reached between the involved parties or when only one active application remains in the end.
How is the Contestation of .au Domain Name Resolved?
Priority hold applicants will have to negotiate amongst themselves to ultimately decide who the .au direct domain name will be allocated to in the end. Additionally, applicants can contact each other through the publicly accessible registrant email address that can be found on the WHOIS.
You can utilise the priority status tool to see which other registrants have an ongoing active application on priority hold for a .au direct domain name. This tool can help you determine whether or not your preferred domain name is currently being contested. In the case it is being disputed, you can decide if you want to move ahead with sending in an application for domain contention or if you prefer searching for another domain name with more availability.
It is crucial to note that contesting for a domain name inevitably extends the period of time from when you can possess and use the name.
What Happens When All Parties Come to An Agreement?
- Aside from the successful party, all other existing parties will move to withdraw their application from the domain name contention.
- The only remaining active applicant will have the domain name allocated to them.
- Once the domain contention has been resolved, the licence will be applied for an initial one-year licence term to the successful applicant.
What Happens if Applicants Cannot Come to An Agreement?
- The .au direct domain name will remain unallocated and continue to be subject to priority hold.
- If a resolution is reached between parties or only one active application remains, the domain name will no longer be on priority hold.
Applicants must yearly renew their .au direct domain name priority application to remain in domain contention with other parties. In addition, once you withdraw your active application from contestation, the process cannot be reversed.
Our team at Melbourne IT is fully equipped to walk you through the process of domain contention and how you might go about resolving it. Moreover, our professionals can assist you in securing the best .au domain name for your business. Connect with our experts at 1300 793 248 or send through an enquiry to get started today!