Navigating .au Domain Requirements and Administration

Whether you are a budding Australian entrepreneur planning to launch your business online or own a .au domain name, understanding the intricacies of domain eligibility and the importance of keeping your details updated is crucial. Read on as we delve into the unique charm of being Australian through your .au domain and shed light on the eligibility requirements set by auDA (.au Domain Administration).
Why Choose .au Domain
A .au domain extension establishes a distinct connection to the Australian market and audience, reinforcing your Australian identity in the digital space. It is short, memorable, local, and trusted, andis set to overtake as the primary domain ending used in Australia, just as did to A study conducted in March 2023 showed consumers prefer .au websites and 53%* of Australian consumers will only buy from a website that ends in .au!
Still contemplating a .au domain name? Learn how a .au domain name can propel your business to success.
Navigating .au Eligibility Requirements
As easy as it is to own a .au domain name, auDA has laid out specific eligibility criteria for individuals and entities. People looking to register a new .au domain, or renew or transfer an existing .au domain, must establish that they have an ‘Australian presence’ and meet specific allocation criteria. Not adhering to these criteria means they are not eligible to register a new .au domain and will not be able to renew or transfer their domain.
The eligibility criteria, which you can read on auDA’s website, cater to various and diverse entities, as outlined in section 2.4. To be eligible, registrants need to fulfil one of the following criteria, being either:
- A company registered in Australia; or
- operating under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or
- an Australian partnership or sole trader; or
- an overseas company licensed to trade in Australia; or
- an owner of an Australian Registered Trademark; or
- an applicant for an Australian Registered Trademark ; or
- an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
- an Australian commercial statutory body.
Staying Eligible to Own Your .au Domain and What Happens if You Don’t
For those who already own a .au domain, maintaining accurate and up-to-date information is a must. Overlooking the importance of updating your domain details can result in severe repercussions, including the suspension of your domain. A suspended domain not only takes your website offline but also disrupts associated email services, adversely impacting your overall online presence. Failure to update your details prior to 7 days before your domain renewal date also leads to additional charges to stay eligible. Stay ahead of domain disaster by ensuring your details are up to date.
How to Update Your Eligibility Details with Melbourne IT
As an accredited .au domain registrar, Melbourne IT is here to assist you in staying eligible to hold your .au domain and avoiding domain disruptions or extra fees. You can easily update your business details in your Melbourne IT console yourself the process is called a ‘Registrant Name Change’ as the entity, the ABN/ACN, registered against the domain is changing. Complete the registrant name change process and following the prompts. If you encounter any difficulties, or have any questions, our friendly customer care team is here to help, just call 1300 654 677. Our team will guide you through the process, making sure that your details are current and compliant with auDA requirements.
Your .au domain is not just an address; it’s a core asset of your brand, showcasing your trustworthy Australian identity. Melbourne IT is committed to supporting you through the journey, from initial registration to maintaining eligibility, avoiding any disruptions or extra fees. Grow locally with the .au domain and keep your details up-to-date with Webcentral’s assistance and build your online presence