
Digital Marketing

Written on 20 August, 2018 by MelbourneIT

What is a landing page and why do I need one? Simply put, a landing page is where a visitor lands after completing a certain action. They are used throughout various forms of digital advertising, like Social Media Advertising or Google Adwords, as a destination to direct online traffic. A landing page generally has a single goal. This goal depends on... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing, PPC

Written on 10 August, 2018 by MelbourneIT

Why customer retention is cheaper than acquisition  Ask any business owner today, “what’s your marketing strategy?”, and they’re guaranteed to launch into a list of their client acquisition tactics. It’s far rarer for a business to focus on retention. While customer acquisition tactics ensure a stream of new customers to your business, customer retention works towards maintaining a fruitful relationship with your existing customers. Both... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing
how to get more website traffic

Written on 07 March, 2018 by MelbourneIT

Cost effective ways to drive traffic to your website Finally got your website up and running but struggling to attract visitors? Capturing web traffic is the first hurdle to conversions for any online business. Here are four easy digital solutions to this problem – and best of all, they are all cost effective and customisable to your budget. SEO... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing
digital marketing courses in Australia

Written on 07 March, 2018 by MelbourneIT

Top Digital Marketing Courses In 2018 Regardless of how many years you've been in business, there's always room to grow. As online marketing continues to grow and change, so do the methods of communicating your products and services. There are a number of short courses made for time poor business owners that can teach you the basics... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing, News

Written on 07 March, 2018 by MelbourneIT

How to leverage Facebook's recent changes to attract more customers Earlier this year Facebook announced it was changing its algorithm to ‘encourage meaningful interactions between people’.  According to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, it’s likely that content from businesses, brands and publishers won’t appear in our customers’ news feeds as often as we’d like. The changes to Facebook you need to... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing, Social Media

Written on 27 September, 2017 by MelbourneIT

The four pillars of digital marketing you need to know The phrase ‘digital marketing’ can be defined in many ways, but the reality is that very few people actually understand just what’s involved. Is it about making your website Google-friendly? Spruiking your business on a bunch of different platforms? Raking in thousands of social media likes? It’s a mix of things,... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing