Melbourne IT Blog

how Office 365 can benefit small businesses

Written on 30 October, 2017 by MelbourneIT

How Microsoft 365 can benefit small businesses More and more small-to-medium-sized businesses are signing up to Microsoft 365 and for good reason. Since launching around two years ago, the service has helped to significantly streamline business operations and enhance productivity. In fact, Microsoft 365 has more than 60 million users to date – a figure that is... Read more
Categories: Email, Microsoft 365
elements of a great website

Written on 30 October, 2017 by MelbourneIT

5 elements every website should have Whether you’re a local shop owner or a business that services customers worldwide, having a website is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. Websites provide an online shopfront for businesses and one that’s well-designed can help you reach new customers and stand out from competitors. Here are five... Read more
Categories: News, website
benefits of a .sydney .melbourne domain

Written on 27 October, 2017 by MelbourneIT

Why your business needs a local domain name With over 3 million registered, website domains continue to be the go-to for businesses setting up a website*. It may be a popular option for Australian businesses but if you have a local business in Sydney or Melbourne, you may want to consider a .Sydney or .Melbourne domain instead.... Read more
Categories: Domains

Written on 11 October, 2017 by MelbourneIT

Business Queensland to offer small businesses matched funding of $10,000 What could your business do with a $10k boost in funding? Whether it’s new website copy or CRM software, investing in digital technologies can be a costly exercise. If your business is based in Queensland you may be eligible for Business Queensland’s Small Business Digital Grants Program, an initiative that helps... Read more
Categories: News

Written on 27 September, 2017 by MelbourneIT

The four pillars of digital marketing you need to know The phrase ‘digital marketing’ can be defined in many ways, but the reality is that very few people actually understand just what’s involved. Is it about making your website Google-friendly? Spruiking your business on a bunch of different platforms? Raking in thousands of social media likes? It’s a mix of things,... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing
PPC basics

Written on 25 September, 2017 by MelbourneIT

How to set up your first PPC campaign Marketers favour PPC (pay-per-click) as a form of advertising because of its ability to generate a visible return on investment. If you spend $100 on an ad campaign, you’ll quickly be able to measure the exact amount of return from the budget spent. If your business can benefit from more... Read more
Categories: PPC
Facebook vs Google Infographic

Written on 25 September, 2017 by MelbourneIT

Google vs Facebook: Which is best for your business? Paid traffic is one of the fastest ways to attract new website visitors, gain more leads and generate sales. If you’re looking to scale your business, Facebook advertising and Google Adwords are often the main contenders in paid advertising. Whether one performs better than the other in delivering ROI continues... Read more
Categories: PPC, Social Media
Facebook advertising for beginners

Written on 25 September, 2017 by MelbourneIT

Facebook for Beginners With 16 million active users in Australia*, Facebook is a data machine waiting to connect you with your ideal audience. If you’re wondering if Facebook advertising can work for your business, the following numbers may surprise you. Youfoodz, an Australian meal delivery service generated 15.6x return on ad spend and... Read more
Categories: Social Media
small businesses and amazon

Written on 25 September, 2017 by MelbourneIT

What small businesses can learn from retail giants When a retail giant makes its way to our shores, it often sets alarm bells for the small businesses who don't have the budget or resources to compete. Many say that Amazon’s arrival is doom and gloom for Australian businesses and it’s an easy opinion to agree with. Its customer centric approach to business offers diverse product selection,... Read more
Categories: News