Melbourne IT Blog

Written on 08 July, 2020 by MelbourneIT

What can we learn from the businesses thriving in COVID-19? Businesses the world over have faced similar challenges posed by the global pandemic of COVID-19, yet each industry and enterprise has approached it in their own unique and creative way. The recurring factor of any crisis is its unexpectedness, and the ability to navigate challenging situations is an imperfect but... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing | Tags: COVID-19, online business

Written on 01 July, 2020 by MelbourneIT

4 tips to engage employees working remotely and in the office While some businesses prepare for a return-to-office, the isolation period of COVID-19 has proven that employees can work just as effectively from home as they can from a physical workplace, without sacrificing results or productivity. As with all work health and safety matters, it is important that no matter where... Read more
Categories: Microsoft 365 | Tags: COVID-19, employee engagement, online business

Written on 24 June, 2020 by MelbourneIT

Start this marketing health check now for business success post-COVID-19 Since the beginning of March, we have seen the COVID-19 pandemic sweep across the world, turning our professional and personal lives upside down. Business can no longer move forward as normal and current marketing plans need to be reconsidered. A local survey of over 1,000 consumers show that 78% feel... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing | Tags: COVID-19, digital marketing, online business

Written on 17 June, 2020 by MelbourneIT

Keep your business connected during social isolation with Microsoft Teams Digital collaboration tools have become critical in the age of remote work, globalisation and experience. Not only can they improve communications and ensure efficient performance but over the past few months they’ve developed into a professional necessity. Video conferencing and online messaging services in particular offer organisations some semblance of... Read more
Categories: Microsoft 365 | Tags: COVID-19, Microsoft 365, microsoft teams, online business

Written on 03 June, 2020 by MelbourneIT

Does your small business need an e-commerce website during COVID-19? COVID-19 is driving a rapid e-commerce evolution, with intuitive businesses across Australia keenly adding e-commerce solutions to their websites to take advantage of the surge in online shopping. Interestingly, the preliminary April findings from the Australia Bureau of Statistics’ Retail Trade Survey, found that retail turnover fell by 17.9 per... Read more
Categories: website | Tags: COVID-19, online business, Professional website

Written on 27 May, 2020 by MelbourneIT

4 ways to improve user experience during a crisis User experience, or UX, is a critical element for ensuring your customers are happy both online and offline with your products or services. While UX has always been a contributing factor to business performance, it’s become even more important during COVID-19. With restrictions forcing many businesses to minimise their real-world... Read more
Categories: website | Tags: COVID-19, online business, Professional website

Written on 20 May, 2020 by MelbourneIT

How to maximise your advertising budget during a crisis With countless employees working from home and many more in lockdown, consumers are being driven online more than ever before. Even though internet use is up by more than 70 per cent, the wider impacts of COVID-19 means the overall spend for online advertising remains low. For your spend to... Read more
Categories: PPC | Tags: COVID-19, digital marketing, online business, ppc, search engine marketing

Written on 13 May, 2020 by MelbourneIT

Redefining your customer journey in the post-COVID-19 world Today’s customer is at the centre of every business process, decision, and transaction. Keeping these individuals engaged has never been more vital in the digital-first, COVID-19 recovery environment. Your business’ relationship with customers is built over time, nourished by experiences, and grounded in set expectations. Customers develop emotional connections with... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing | Tags: coronavirus, COVID-19, digital marketing, online business
Step by step guide to online marketing

Written on 30 April, 2019 by MelbourneIT

Steps to setting up your business online With every passing year, our lives become more altered by (and dependant on) the ever-growing technological developments made across the world. Many business owners – whether they be of small operations in the suburbs or growing enterprises in the city – have seen their livelihoods flourish thanks to setting up... Read more
Categories: Digital Marketing, Domains, Email, PPC, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, website, Website Security
Website Build - DIY vs DFY

Written on 24 April, 2019 by MelbourneIT

When to outsource your online marketing or do it yourself The internet has changed how the world works. In fact, it’s created a whole new online world that we engage with every day. Making your small business stand out in a crowded online space seems simple, which is why so many of us choose to DIY our online marketing. But... Read more
Categories: News, website | Tags: DIY, Professional website, Website